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Employee's birthday party | Thanks for having you, go hand in hand

Classification:Staff home

Published on:2021-11-09

"People-oriented" is the core competitiveness of a modern enterprise culture, and an excellent enterprise should have a rich and profound enterprise culture. Employee birthday party is an important part of corporate culture activities. Caring for employees and shaping excellent corporate culture are the unremitting pursuit of Longneng Technology.
Longneng Technology held a birthday party for the birthday girls in the third quarter. In addition to paying attention to production and operation, enterprises also pay special attention to the construction of corporate culture, hold employee birthday parties regularly, and strive to create a warm and comfortable working and living environment for employees. Well-arranged venues, dazzling activities, specially selected food and gifts have made birthday stars have an unforgettable birthday.

Well-arranged site

Make a good wish

Longneng Technology has always been committed to building a warm, harmonious, inclusive and dedicated family, striving to create a relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere, so that Longneng people can feel the infinite care and sense of belonging from the Longneng family after work. Every well-prepared birthday party is devoted to the concern of the enterprise for employees and the gratitude and affirmation of the employees' long-term efforts.
If you can't keep company for a long time, you don't need to say much about your love. In the future, Longneng Technology will actively carry out various cultural and sports activities with a wide range of connotations, further enhance the feelings among employees, reflect the humanistic care of enterprises, and strive to make every employee in a foreign land feel the warmth of home, so as to further cultivate the sense of ownership of employees who love their jobs and work hard for the collective, and encourage everyone to work hard and grow together with Longneng.